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執筆者の写真naoki koyano

ART思考(その2)/ ART Thinking (Part 2)


「アート思考」から生み出される世界や考え方が、今更ながら答えを変えてくれました。 芸術、絵画、日本画、そして自分に何が出来るのか、東日本大震災の時は「何もできない」という答えに至りましたが、コロナ渦では、今まで当たり前に思っていた事が、あっさり無くなる体験を通じ、大きく意識や価値観が変化したように感じます。

「アート思考・Art Thinking」とは定義としてどういうことなんでしょうか。


前回のART思考でも「美術作品を見ると、自分の体験や記憶、価値観などが、自分の中に立ち上がるからで 〜〜〜〜 絵を見ることは、自分と対話していることだと思いませんか。 〜〜〜〜 そうすると、作品の価値が変わったり、芸術に対する考えが広がったりします。 その価値は、自分の感性が判断した美しさであり、安らぎであったりするわけです。」

と書きましたが、絵画作品を見て、感じ方(想像なども含む)はそれぞれで、同様にその絵に対しての視点も各々違うはずです。 (視点とは捉え方や考え方も含む)



個人独自の視点=感覚から未知の世界が生まれ、明るい楽しい未来に繋がると言うことでしょうか。 個人の喜びは、多くの人にシェアされ、幸せや勇気が広がって行くんです。



The world and the way of thinking produced by "art thinking" has now changed my answer. Art, painting, Japanese painting, and what I can do. At the time of the Great East Japan Earthquake, I came to the answer, "There is nothing I can do," but at the Corona Vortex, I feel that my awareness and values have changed greatly through the experience of something I had taken for granted, but which is now easily gone.

What is the definition of "Art Thinking"?

Art is not about drawing well, making beautiful three-dimensional works, or talking about knowledge of historical masterpieces or critical knowledge, but about having one's own unique viewpoint, considering, deriving answers, and even finding new questions.

As I said in the last ART Thinking, "When you look at a work of art, your own experiences, memories, and values rise up within you. 〜〜〜〜 Don't you think that looking at a painting is a dialogue with yourself? When you do so, the value of the work of art changes, and your ideas about art expand. 〜〜〜〜 That value can be a beauty or comfort, as judged by your own senses."

As I wrote above, each person has his/her own way of feeling (including imagination) when looking at a work of art, and likewise, each person's point of view on the painting must be different. Perspective also includes the way we perceive and think.)

This perspective is especially important, and I believe it is the only one that can change the entire world, including one's own inner world.

The same can be said for all things and events.

I guess you could say that the unknown world is born from the unique perspective = senses of the individual, leading to a bright and joyful future. The joy of an individual is shared by many people, and happiness and courage spread.

I know this is a bit difficult to put into words, but that's enough for this issue.

Please take care of yourself during this extremely hot summer.





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