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執筆者の写真naoki koyano

2023年「癸卯」干支色紙 / 2023 "MIZUNOTO" Oriental Zodiac Colored Paper












I want my paintings to hang in every home in the world.

"I want people to share time with my paintings.

It is from these dreams and wishes that the zodiac paper was born.

The zodiac paper will turn around after 12 years and enter a new year, 2023.

The first time I started from my own zodiac sign, and it was the first time I planned and sold it by myself,

I remember how difficult it was for me to get orders.

I would like to express my sincere appreciation for the cooperation and guidance I received from many people.

I am grateful for the many people who applied for this year's exhibition, and I am grateful for the warmth of being able to connect with so many people.

The warmth of being able to connect with so many people has been a great source of support for me.

Thank you from the bottom of my heart.




Waves and rabbits have been a good omen since ancient times. The rabbit is said to bring prosperity, fertility, and domestic safety.

The wave is said to protect against fire. The rabbit jumping over the waves represents the power of "leap" to overcome times of change and the spirit of "improvement" to believe in the future.

We wish you good fortune and draw it with the holy water of the Hakone Shrine.

   * 写真の額縁は金が強目に写っていますが、現物は柔らかく上品な仕上りです。























As you know, the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac are the Rat, Ox, Tiger, Rabbit, Dragon, Snake, Snake, Horse, Sheep, Monkey, Rooster, and Dog.

The twelve animal signs of the Chinese zodiac are the Dragon, the Snake, the Horse, the Sheep, the Monkey, the Rooster, the Dog, and the Boar.

The year is represented by 12 different animals: the boar, the rooster, the dog, the wild boar, and the time of the year.

The zodiac signs are sometimes used to represent the time of year or the direction of the year.

The Chinese zodiac is sometimes used to refer to the Chinese zodiac, which is originally an abbreviation for the twelve signs of the zodiac, a combination of the ten signs of the zodiac and the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.

The "10 signs of the zodiac" are A (Kou), B (Otsu), C (Hei), Ding (Tei), and Zodiac sign of the Chinese zodiac.

The ten signs of the Chinese zodiac are: A (甲), B (乙), C (甲), D (丁), B (戊), 己 (己), K (庚), and

The Chinese alphabet is a collective name for the Chinese zodiac signs: 辛 (shin: kanoto) 壬 (jin: mizunoe) 癸 (ki: mizunoto), originally a word used to count things from 1 to 10.

The year 2022 is the year of the twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac.

The year 2022 is the "Year of the Tiger" in the Chinese zodiac, but in the zodiac, it is the year of the ninth sign of the zodiac, which is "壬.

The zodiac sign was "壬寅", which is a combination of these two zodiac signs.

In other words, the year 2023 is the Year of the Rabbit in the zodiac, and the year 2023 is the Year of the Gye in the zodiac, which means the Chinese zodiac is "癸卯".

The year 2023 is the year of the Rabbit in the zodiac, and the zodiac sign is 癸.

The twelve signs of the Chinese zodiac and the ten signs of the zodiac have their own unique meanings in addition to numbers and directions.

For example, "癸" has the tenth sign, meaning the end of things and the beginning of things, and "癸" is the tenth sign of the Chinese zodiac, meaning the beginning and the end of things,

It is also a part of the character for "Brotherhood (Hakaru)," meaning "the seed will be so large that it can be measured.

It is also said to mean "the time when the seed is large enough to be measured and the bud is just about to bloom in the springtime.

The character for "卯" is said to have originally come from the character for "茂", meaning "to feel the coming of spring".

The character for "卯" is said to have originated from the character for "茂," which means "to feel the coming of spring.

It is said that the Chinese character for "卯" means "the opening of the winter gate" or "the opening of the winter gate".

The combination of these two characters, 癸卯, represents the auspiciousness that "all one's efforts to date will blossom and begin to bear fruit.

And that our past efforts will begin to blossom and bear fruit.





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